Curriculum Vitae


2012-2015 PhD in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Lattice QCD), CEA Saclay - IRFU/SPhN.
2012 Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK.
2009-2012 Engineering Degree from French "Grande Ecole" Ecole Centrale Paris, ECP, Châtenay-Malabry.
2009-2012 MSc in Fundamental Physics, Université Paris Sud XI, Orsay.
2007-2009 French "Classes préparatoires" MPSI and MP*, Lycée Louis Le Grand, Paris Ve.

Work experience

07/2017- Post-doctoral researcher - Labex IRMIA, “Center for Modelling and Simulation in Strasbourg” - Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université de Strasbourg. Hemotum++ project.
01/2017-06/2017 Post-doctoral researcher - CNRS, Team “Dynamique des Fluides Complexes” - Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique, Université Grenoble-Alpes.
10/2015-12/2016 Post-doctoral researcher - ANR Vivabrain, Team “Equations aux Dérivées Partielles” - Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Team “Dynamique des Fluides Complexes” - LIPhy.
2012-2015 PhD - Lattice QCD at the physical point: pion-pion diffusion and structure of the nucleon, Service de Physique Nucléaire, IRFU, CEA Saclay.
2007-2009 French "Classes préparatoires" MPSI and MP*, Lycée Louis Le Grand, Paris Ve.


Programming languages C, C++, Java, Python, Julia, Cuda (GPU programming)
High-performance computing MPI, OpenMP, PETSc, SLEPc, MUMPS
Languages Français, English, Deutsch